Monday, January 29, 2007

How to Earn the Money You Want By Doing What You Love (Part 3)

Secret #2 - Do Work You Love and Get Paid Well

You do not need to and must not quit your job tomorrow and dive into moneymaking opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur or an investor. There are many people who actually quite their job just to dive into a current trend in the market. Regardless is a booming real estate business, a bull stock market investment or a trendy internet marketing business. Any of these can create millions in short time.

Sure you have heard your friends become a real estate agent and make a fortune, your neighbors invest in the bull stock market and found gold, or ex-collogues making millions in the internet. I am sure you have heard all these and more. The truth is they all work. But the bad news is they don’t work for everyone.

As what written by Andy Fuehl, author of audio CD, Wealth Without a Job:

The key to being a successful entrepreneur is to find your true purpose in life. This is your passion, something that you would actually do for free. Now this may seem counterintuitive. And you're right; it is. Most businesses fail because the person who started the business gave himself or herself a job. That person went into business to make money instead of doing what he or she was passionate about. Do you know anyone like this?

I work with clients all the time, and not doing what they're passionate about is the number one problem that I see constantly. The amazing part is, when you find your true passion and express your true purpose in life, it is as if you cannot fail.

Let me give you an example of this. I had a client, Ray, who went into real estate investing. In the hottest market ever, he managed to lose $70,000. He was in a lot of trouble. He came to me and asked me what he was doing wrong. I looked at the system he was using, and it was a good system. After digging a little bit deeper, I discovered that he went after the money instead of after his passion.

As soon as Ray discovered his purpose in life and followed his passion, within six months he was out of debt and making lots of money in his new business. His new business was selling healthcare products through a network marketing company. It was as if he could not fail.
I, too, had a similar experience after being downsized. I thought that by using the skills I had developed in my corporate career, I could become financially free in my own business. Guess again. I failed miserably. In fact, it took me several failed businesses to discover the problem.
Once I focused on my true passion, which is so different from what I used to do, I went from being unemployed to being a millionaire in less than three years. This is not to impress you, but to impress upon you that doing work you love is absolutely a must in order to succeed.

Therefore it is important that we must find what are we passionate about and where can we find them. By locating our passion, we can then explore the possibilities of turning that into a business or investment opportunity.

Andy concluded, “When you do what you love, you will be enthusiastic and you will succeed!

Losers focus a lot on what they don’t want in life, rather than be specific with what they do want. What Winners do is focus on what they want in life. – Robert Kiyosaki

So the next question you may asking will be, "If I have found my passion and decided to pursuit, how am I going to pay the bills if I need to quit my job and start my own business or investment plan ?"

(Some of these contents are extracted from article written by Andy Fuehl posted in Nightingle Newsletter)

Monday, January 22, 2007

How to earn the money you want by doing what you love (Part 2)

Secret #1 - How to Get Out of the Trap of working as an employee

Question you ask yourself: Do You Hate Your Job?

Everyone is looking for freedom and security and a way to live a comfortable life. There are basically 2 shortcomings in this statement.

First is that more than 95% of all people in hate their jobs, According to Andy Fuehl, author of audio CD, Wealth Without a Job. This is becoming a global problem. Not so long ago in Japan, where workers used to be dedicated to their company and stayed their entire working career. These same workers are changing their tune after the last economy down turn Japan suffered for last 10 years. Over 72% of Japanese workers are now dissatisfied with their job and their employers.

So why are so many people dissatisfied?

They are doing work they DON'T love. Does this sound familiar? Could this be your situation too?

When you hate the work you do, you will only do the minimum even though you are working very hard. Your enthusiasm is most likely low and your energy drained. Speaking from his own experience, Andy mentioned that, “I remember when I worked in corporate America for Fortune 500 companies, most people didn't even smile. It was a struggle for them just to be there. My energy levels were drained, and I was always tired during the week. But magically when the weekend came, I had lots of energy and did what I enjoyed.”

Second shortcoming on the statement is that freedom and security are both contradict and yet co-exiting. What do I mean? Many people look for safe and secure job with consistent income. Why not they have a family to feed or they have a lifestyle to maintain. However, many people may not know that the more security you have, the less freedom you received and the higher risk you are. Yes! You hear me correctly, the higher risk you are. In fact, the more freedom you seek the more secure you will be, therefore the less risk you are exposed to.

Following is how Andy Feuhl illustrate this point:

Let's assume you earn $1,000 per month from your job. If you are be downsized tomorrow, how much money are you earning now?


That's not a good situation to be in, is it?

Now let's look at being an entrepreneur. Let's assume you have 1,000 customers that purchase something from you at $0 each month. You're earning $1,000 per month. Assume now that ten customers stop purchasing from you. How much do you have left at the end of the month?


In fact, more people than ever for the past 10 years are seeking ways to fire their boss. According to Andy Fuehl, we have more entrepreneurs created. People who are being downsized will seek to become entrepreneurs. These people are taking control of their lives and want to become financially free.

Yet there is a challenge that has to be overcome.

Statistically, more than 50% of all businesses fail in the first year. More shocking is that approximately 95% of all businesses fail in the first five years. This doesn't look too good. In fact, this looks like quite a scary proposition to leave your job and become an entrepreneur, doesn't it?

On the surface it does. The challenge is that most people look at the statistics and say, "That's too risky for me." In reality, being an entrepreneur is far less risky than working for someone else when you know the secrets.

It seems that it is a lot safer to be an entrepreneur or an investor than being employed. Is there risk of being an entrepreneur or an investor, of course there is. Is the risk being an entrepreneur or investor higher than being employed? You be the judge!

The point I want to make is that, whichever choice you make, is make the decision to do what you love. You must make a commitment to do want you love and go ahead of take charge of your own destiny.

The next question you ask yourself is: How do I become successful doing what I love?

(Some of these contents are extracted from article written by Andy Fuehl posted in Nightingle Newsletter)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

How to earn the money you want by doing what you love (Part 1)

Have you ever ask yourself these questions?

Are you earning all the money you want?
Do you enjoy your current work?
Are you living the lifestyle you desire?
Do you have the freedom and security you want?
Are you financially free?

If your answer is no to any one or all of these questions, you are not alone. In this article and the following few weeks, I will like to share with you the key secrets that will literally change your life and give you the freedom and security you have been looking for.

We all have a financial crisis. Most people are struggling financially and don't know how to get out of the trap. According to Andy Fuehl, author of audio CD, Wealth Without a Job:

The sad reality is that 95% of all people in America at age 65 must still work or depend on their family, welfare, or social security in order to survive, according to the Social Security Administration.

This statistic should not be very far different from else where in the rest of the world I believed. But, look and examine closely, there is a 5% of the people above age 65 is not working. According to Andy, the next 4% of these people at Age 65 and above can actually meet their basic needs. So there is still hope after all, not so bad. Look deeper into the number and you ask yourself, only 1% of the population is really financially free. This means 1 out of every 100 people live the lifestyle they want at age 65 and don't have to worry.

Therefore the questions we need to ask ourselves are,

How do the 1% of the population be financially free?
What are the secrets of these people who achieve financial freedom?
What do they do differently from the rest of the 99% of the population?
Is there a formula or secrets that we can learn from this group of people?

There is a way, but only when you truly understand the secrets and take action.

In the next few weeks, I will share with you these secrets. Read on!

(Some of these contents are extracted from article written by Andy Fuehl posted in Nightingle Newsletter)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Start the Year 2007 with a wealthy thought

This is part of a news letter I received from Nightingle which I like to share with you.

Ever heard the expression "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he?" The thought was so profound that James Allen used it as the title to his book "As a Man Thinketh", first published around 1910. So, as I stop by now, to interrupt your day with this column, what are you thinking about?

Because you are creating EXACTLY what you are thinking about, right this very second. Soon that thought will manifest itself into reality and take up residence in your life.You see Nightingale understood that we become what we think about.Nido Quebein said it a bit differently. He teaches that "Garbage in, garbage out is not accurate. Garbage goes in, stays, and gives birth to triplets."

As we wrap up the year that was 2006 2 weeks ago and start a new in 2007 - there is a lot going on. You may be rushing on your own business as usual. But in those times when you are not rushing around, take some time out to think. And when you do, think about what you want. Do everything in your power to avoid thinking of the past, anything negative, or things that you do not want more of. Because as you think about them, you are attracting more of that into your life.

Make a few resolutions, develop a strategic plan, and fill in the details. As you plan in detail those things that you want, you can have them. And if you think about how to get them, you will...There is magic in the power of your mind. I encourage you to THINK ABOUT THAT!