Secret #4 - Tune Up Your Mind to Earn More Money
“We become what we think of, most of the time.” A quote from Brian Tracy sums it all that everything and anything we want to succeed, start with our mind. Of all the wealth generation tools you can find in this world, our mind is the most useful and most powerful of all. Best of it all, it is free of charge. We must be careful of how we utilize this power by understanding how the mind works. If you think in negative terms, you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms, you will achieve positive results.
A person who is thinking about a concrete and worthwhile goal is going to reach it, because that's what he's thinking about. Conversely, the person who has no goal, who doesn't know where he's going, and whose thoughts must therefore be thoughts of confusion, anxiety, fear, and worry will thereby create a life of frustration, fear, anxiety and worry. And if he thinks about nothing ... he becomes nothing.
Andy Fuehl, author of audio CD, Wealth Without a Job mentioned on this articles on using your mind positively:
Everything starts in thought. And as Zig Ziglar puts it: "If you aren't getting what you want, you may have some stinking thinking."
Zig is right on the money. Your results (and that means every result you get) are nothing more than a reflection of what's going on inside your mind. If you are achieving great results, that means you have great thinking. However, if your results are not so good, you are getting exactly what you are thinking about.
Let me explain how this works. Donald Trump at one time lost everything he had and then some. He went deep into debt after having millions. It was an unfortunate time for Donald.
Instead of giving up and becoming a homeless person, he regrouped and came back in a few short years even wealthier and more powerful than ever. How did he achieve this? It was his thinking. He thinks like a billionaire. Poverty and being wiped out don't even cross his mind.
A big mistake that most people make is that they give up when the going gets tough, and say things like,"It's too hard" or "Money doesn't matter that much." These are nothing more than excuses.
But why do we have so many excuses? It is our conditioning! You have been programmed to think like a poor person instead of a rich person. Before you start blaming everyone around you, especially your parents, remember: It's nobody's fault. All those around you did the best they could with what they had. They couldn't give you what they didn't have.
I could blame my parents for my problems, but the truth is, they didn't have rich thinking to give me when I was struggling. The only thing they knew how to do was go get a job and work for someone else.
There is a bright side to this ...
You can change your thinking by reading good books, by listening to empowering tapes and CDs. Stop watching TV and listening to the radio with all that negative garbage! Fill your mind with things that will help improve your life. If you think watching Jerry Springer or soap operas on a regular basis is good for your mind, then there are only two words I have for you: You're Broke!
You know that what you feed your body is important. If you eat junk, you will feel terrible. Imagine eating McDonald's three times a day for the next 30 days. Do you think your body will have some adverse affects? You bet. The same holds true for your mind. You must feed your mind empowering material in order to succeed.
Listen to or read empowering material every single day for at least 30 to 60 minutes per day. You can listen to great tapes and CDs in your car while you drive. You can read a little bit before you go to bed or when you first get up. When you do this, you feed your mind, and soon your will produce much better results.
What you think is real is your reality. Whatever you think and say is real becomes your reality. It was this ability to expend your reality that ultimately made you wealthy. – Robert Kiyosaki
(Some of these contents are extracted from article written by Andy Fuehl posted in Nightingle Newsletter)