Thursday, September 21, 2006

Do you want to be rich?

What would you think the answer will be if I will to ask the question to 100 people I meet in the street? The answer should be clear, it has to be " I want to be rich, of course". So the question is if all of us wanted to be rich, why is it that only very few have done so?

Many of us are confused on how we answer the question because how we answer reflect the thought that we have. "I want to be rich" is nothing more but hoping the dream of getting rich will come true to us in the course of our life. That is why so many people are at the Singapore Pool outlets everyday, betting their way of hoping to become rich one day. You named it, 4D, Toto, horse racing, or even football betting. I have known someone who actually bet thousands of dollars every time he walk into the outlet. They are merely wishing for the lucky star to fall upon them.

The better word to use to answer the question will be "I choose to be rich", even better "I commit to be rich". Many of us do not understand that what we said, make a great deal of how we behave and how we will act upon. That is because what we think can be done, will become the believes in our mind, eventually the reality for us to take action. So it is important that we must constantly have the positive thought as we go through our daily life. Negative thought will kill us, demoralize us, and taking the energy away from us. Positive thought on the other hand will charge us up, boost up our spirit even when situation don't seems so good. So merely wishing for things to happen to us, is not something we want to do if we want to be rich and successful.

Everything we do must be committed towards the goal we have set for us to be rich and successful. Everything starts from the thought in our mind. Quoting from T. Harv Eker who wrote, The secret of the millionaire mind:

Thought leads to Feeling
Feeling leads to Action
Action leads to Results

Everything starts from how we think.


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