Saturday, September 09, 2006

Foundation of our character

The five people you meet in heaven, a small little book I almost finished reading, written by Mitch Albon. Mtich is an author who works as a newspaper columnist and a broadcaster, and serves on numerous charitable boards. He is also the author of his best seller, Tuesdays with Morrie. In The five people you meet in heaven, Mitch give us an original story that change the view of how after life will be! Reading this book gives us another meaning of our life on earth will be. A very different perspective you will look at how you react or managed incidents that will happened to you in your life.

Now these new realizations of life are knowledge to me, and these new knowledge are wealth, which will never be taken away from me. Knowledge is the greatest wealth that one ever received. My point is that knowledge comes in every form, in every moment of life and it definitely comes from anyone you meet. Taking a quote from Brian Tracy, one of America's leading author on the development of human potential and personal effectiveness. In his audio, Thinking Big, he made this statement,

We must always ask ourselves these 2 questions after every event or incident that happened:
1) What have we done well in this incident?
2) What can I do differently to improve?

So in life, every second, every event, regardless is good or bad, we can learn from it. Learning is an on going process, learning gives us knowledge. We transform these knowledge into something that worth a whole lot important to us in our mind and also in our heart and soul, which will never be taken away from us. These knowledge lay the foundation of our character of who we will become.

And these are real wealth.


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