Monday, October 30, 2006

2 lessons I learnt in creating wealth

A man without any knowledge and without any money wanted to change his way of living. He found his life too boring and unexciting. For years he did not know what to do and how to do it. He has a good paying job and a great family, but he lived his life day-in-day out dreaming of wanted to do something, feeling unfulfill but did not do anything. Then one day, he decided to make changes. He started talking to people he thought are better knowledge and have better experience than him. He started searching for a meaning and a direction in his life. He started meeting new friends of the same mind set and people who have found their direction in life. He also started reading books which helped him to stay focus on his search for that direction.

Then one day he met this group of people in a financial seminar, and his life had never been the same again. He started attending seminars and talks with these group of friends who have the same focus and direction in life. They met up frequently and started doing things togather. Soon, he started to plan for his future togather with his new found friends and also worked on his plan, by learning new knowledge and skill required in his plan. After a few months, he started to see results from his work he has put in. In his group, and also with more people he met, he started sharing his experience and knowledge with more and more people of liked minded. As he shared with more people, his knowledge and skill continue to grow. As he shared with more people, he discovered new opportunity for him to grow and new challenges for him to explore. His circle of knowledge, skill and wealth expended as he consistanly sharing with people what he know, he would soon found himself a very wealthy person.

This is true story of a man I know who follow his dream and willingly taking his first step. In the process you may find yourself lost in the middle of darkness and unknown. But stay persistant and stay focus on the slimest light at the end of the tunnel even at time you may not think is real at all. If you are willing to pay for the price to find out the source of the light, the rewards will be there waiting for you at the end of the tunnel.

Two lessons I learnt from this friend:
1) Start dreaming of your reality what you think is real is your reality. Whatever you think and say is real becomes your reality. It was this ability to expend your reality that ultimately made you wealthy. Quote from Robert Kiyosaki, in his book Retire Young Retire Rich.

2) There is no such thing as perfect timing to start working on your dream. You will need to just take the first step, sometimes regardless if you are ready. Timing and condition are things that out of our control. Too many people have waited too long for the perfect timing and condition, at the end, your dream will remain a dream, nothing but a dream, reality never arrive. So taking a qoute from Peter Spann, aurthor of How You Could Build a $10 Million Property Portfolio in Just 10 Years.

Just Take The First Step. Don't let your destiny reside in things outside yourself. Stop waiting for something to happen; just do it.


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